Natural Pest Control

When plants are stressed, they emit pheromones that attract animals to aid in recycling the plant through natural processes. At Brokenwood Acres, we adhere to the principle that nature does not attack healthy plants. Our approach is to let nature take its course, allowing the circle of life to unfold naturally. We abstain from using synthetic chemicals to protect or profit from plants deemed unhealthy by nature.

Our philosophy revolves around working with nature to enhance plant health and naturally deter pests. We prioritize fortifying the soil with woodchips to ensure our crops receive proper nutrients and water retention. Additionally, we utilize compost tea—a blend of composted natural greens, such as weeds or garden trimmings—as a natural fertilizer.

Continuous observation and inspection of our plants are integral parts of our farming practices. While some remedies may be as simple as pruning or removing sickened plants, addressing unwanted pests often requires more comprehensive strategies. We rely on safe, organic methods such as companion planting and crop rotation for pest control. Understanding the role of beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, praying mantises, and wasps, helps us maintain a healthy crop ecosystem.

For targeted pest management, we employ natural solutions like diatomaceous earth to combat beetles and neem oil to deter pests and protect against diseases. Our commitment to environmentally friendly practices ensures the health and vitality of both our crops and the surrounding ecosystem.

For more resources, visit: A Simple Way for Controlling Pests And Diseases in the Garden. (

Amazing Natural Insect Pest Control Methods that Works – Grower Today